This morning we drove down to Central Point just north of Medford to attend the Oregon Cheese Guild's Festival. This was the first real opportunity we have had to see Oregon cheesemakers and taste their wares and there were certainly some fine cheeses to taste. Coupled with some local vintners and breadmakers it was a great introduction to Oregon farmstead products and an experience we can certainly add to in the future.
Special note must go to what I thought was the best cheese of the show - an aged Gouda from the Willamette Valley Cheese Co..
This week we have had contractors coming and going, providing us with quotes for various jobs around the farm that need doing. I alluded to a long laundry list a while back, well recladding the machinery shed is first on the list, followed by a renovation job in the apartment inside it. This is going to be a tear down to the bare frame, mould removal (by experts) and then a complete rebuild (by us). We had planned on doing this later but we figured that the building experience would be extremely useful for the milk room and cheese kitchen renovation in summer. Regarding the milk room etc, we have an industrial hygienist assessing the structure next week and the completion of the plumbing also on target for late next week.
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