As of 10.00am this morning (December 29th), this is the view of the river to the side of the house. The front fields are now under water, the roads either side of the bridge are barely passable, the neighbour's field over the road is under water, and the river has broken its banks in at least 3 places I can see. Thankfully (for now) the house seems to be OK. The barn is another 4-5 feet above the water line so all the sheep are OK and if things here in the house get worse then the barn is the next stop. Apparently, 10.00am is the peak river time as well, except it's still raining here.

Well, not quite yet anyway but these two images will give you an idea of just how much rain we have had in the last couple of days. coupled with the melting snow further up the valley, it's easy to see how the river can eat away at the river bank and create a raging torrent out of just a small stream. It's hard to believe that since October the river has risen at least 12 feet to what it is now.

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