Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Milk Barn has a New Roof

As predicted we had four wonderful days of sun this week. The roofers from Hunts Roofing and Construction arrived early Monday and inside three days did a great job in removing the old tin roof and replacing it with a tar shingle that matches the house. The plumbers came back at last and installed all of the plumbing, so we now have water in the back barn and capped piping in the milk barn area.

The next stage is to get inside and gut the place by removing all of the old stanchions, the ceiling and the wall coverings, then to begin the process of firstly cleaning all of the studs and then changing the locations of the doors and windows. With that done we can look at outside covering.

Thursday we completed the second half of the flock check up. We actually managed to put everyone through the tilter this time thanks in no small part to the weather and the lessons we learned last weekend. So all the sheep are tagged and wormed, and all the lambs have now been given their vaccination booster. We intend to do the run through about every six weeks in order to check for things like hoof rot, but after Thursday we have a lot more confidence in our ability to get the job done in a single day.

We also heard from David Major at Vermont Shepherd. He will be personally delivering our 12 yearlings and 12 lambs in June, sometime after we have thinned our current flock to 20.

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