Friday, February 29, 2008

The Cheese Test Bed Facility

Stage 1 of the "grand plan" is remodelling the second kitchen we have at the back of the house. Once this has been completed we can recommence our cheesemaking endeavours and start honing our cheesemaking skills. The Test Bed Facility is now about half complete and we should have it operational sometime next week with a last concerted effort. General farm duties will of course slow the process but we believe lambing is now done (we have 4 ewes who have shown no signs of pregnancy so later next week we will turn them out into the main flock).

The little lamb we saved whose mother died soon after he was born (we have named him Ram-Bo because he's a little fighter) is doing extremely well and is now fuller and healthier looking than many of the other lambs. We'll keep him after the effort of saving him. In the jugs at the moment we have another runt. She was born on Feb 23rd the day after my birthday. Both her and her brother (who unfortunately died) were bags of bones and it has taken a full week for her mother's milk to finally come in. We fed her a couple of bottles to get her going but she's now much more active and feeding well.

On March 15th there is a cheese festival down in Central Point at the Rogue River Creamery. Should be a great day and an opportunity to get to meet some more local cheesemakers and learn.

This is just so cool:

1 comment:

fiiirebaugh said...

hello. tried to email you--no success. would like to visit your farmn, i heard you have an extra ram lamb for sale i am trying to find one.