Sunday, February 24, 2008

The irony isn't lost on me

In the last few years my mother has been doing a lot of genealogical research on her family name. The name SHIPWAY is derived from the term Sheep Way - a path that the sheep farmers used to drive their flock to market along, and our forebears were firstly Gloucestershire sheep farmers, and then worked in the cloth trade. In a way you could say I've come full circle and the irony hasn't been lost on me.

1 comment:

bisquitzoe said...

So glad to see the progress on your new venture, Dave! Have sent site to brother David also. Since David builds boats he always felt that as Shipway it was a perfect surname!
As he said to me in an email this a.m. ~ " Why can't I hang on to the illusion that Shipway also means tracks on which great ships are launched?"
Shall be watching as your venture grows, I wish you all the luck! Make sure you get enough sleep!