Sunday, March 9, 2008

Job Description: The Sheep Wrangler

What better way to spend a relaxing Sunday than being gored by wild 80 pound 'lambs' being given their 6-week CD/T vaccinations (for overeating disease and tetanus for you laymen and women). And oh yes I have the shredded pants to prove it. They look such sweet and innocent things don't they (the lambs, not the pants)? Yeah right!

Actually I enjoyed it once I got the hang of it. Now I know why shepherds use a crook and why the Kiwi's invented the gambrel, both are essential tools for capture and restraint and I must admit I had a small chuckle when Jen ordered them as I wondered whether we were really going to use them or if they were just for 'show'. So we've done half of them today in just over 2 hours and we will do the remaining half in another two days with a few of the recent newborns waiting a few weeks until we do the booster on the first lot.

It looks like a massacre in the field at the moment, we used a red spray paint on them to indicate they had been vaccinated and there are now 35 lambs walking around with what look like gunshot wounds. I do hope the neighbour doesn't think I'm just a lousy shot.

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