Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring has Sprung

The daffodils are covering the garden beds, pink blossom covers the cherry trees, and Spring has finally descended upon us. I've noticed the weather has definitely got warmer in the mornings and there is still light in the sky at 8.00pm.

Lambing is now over for the season, only one of the 4 remaining ewe's gave birth, twins to be exact and they were both big and healthy. On the farm front, we have signed a contract to have the roof of the milk room replaced. That should start sometime early next week and take about 3-4 days. Once the new plumbing lines that are presently being installed are done we can get in to test the septic system. We had an inspection done yesterday and the tank is usable as long as the pipes are clear which we'll need the water for. Let's hope they are because a new septic system will cost us around $10,000 and require the milk room floor to be dug up in places (we will have to re-lay that anyway so it's not such a big deal).

Once the new roof is on we can get inside the milk room and begin removing all of the interior walls, exposing the wiring and mapping out where everything will go. All the old stanchions will need cutting out as well.

You can finally change your bookmarks as well. We have got the URL for the farm working at last. At the moment it redirects here but in time I will update it so that the Blog is a separate link and the rest of the site will cover other aspects of the farm and what we are doing.

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