Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lesson #23

A three-legged lamb can still run faster than a two-legged man.
No it's not a play on the "Four legs good, two legs bad" meme from Animal Farm, although it could very well be. We noticed one of our lambs limping yesterday morning, so with crook in hand and using our best marshalling skills we have learnt we spent a good fifteen minutes chasing it around the barn. Sheep might be stupid creatures but when they realize one of their own is being 'hunted' they close ranks surprisingly cleverly.

Still, after hooking it at least three times I finally managed to catch it. One of its hooves has split, with the entire hoof casing on one toe almost peeled off. Lovely I hear you say. Alas there is little you can do in a situation like this other than disinfect the wound and isolate the animal, which we have done. If there is little improvement in a couple of days we might have to become creative and bandage the leg. Thankfully all the sheep have now been vaccinated and the booster shot on March 30 should be quite smooth.

Tomorrow we start demolition on the interior of the apartment.

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